Water purification information

"Black-brown" tap water is like poison

Views : 87036
Update time : 2022-03-18 17:17:16
A lot of times, the water coming out of the faucet is always yellowish and red like rust water. This will undoubtedly have a very serious impact on the health of the residents. Indeed, with the continuous aging of the community equipment, such and other situations are inevitable. Maybe the faucet is rusted and you can replace the faucet, but what about the water supply pipes in the community? It may be impossible. Therefore, replacing the faucet is also a temporary solution, and secondary pollution still exists and cannot be avoided.

What is secondary pollution of tap water?
Netizens will ask, doesn’t the water from the waterworks have to meet the standard before it can be sent to users? Why does it change color and become worse when it arrives at our home? We need to know more about the secondary pollution of tap water. What is secondary pollution? During the transportation of tap water, these impurities are transported to each household with the tap water. Some water pipes are even parallel to the domestic sewage pipes, and the water pipes and sewage pipes are often ruptured, causing the tap water to be polluted, producing peculiar smells, odors, and even the invasion of microbial germs.

Pollution of the secondary water supply system in the community?
The residential area generally uses water storage equipment such as roof water towers or underground water tanks for water storage and water supply. The water tower or water tank is often not cleaned in time, and impurities such as dust accumulate. Some water storage equipment will even be seriously aged and covered with moss, resulting in a large number of bacterial growth. Although we can't change the big environment of polluted drinking water, at least we can try to change the small environment of household drinking water. In the face of the health and safety of your family, you can buy a big brand water purifier with guaranteed quality and after-sales to create a "pure natural" drinking water environment and bring safety to family life.
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